Thursday, May 14, 2009

writing over computer typing

(Via flickr.)

After being a writer for many years and more recently becoming an online writer addict, I have decided that I like to write with a pen on a paper more than typing on the computer.

There is an organic and natural feeling about it. It feels like what I'm writing is incredibly more important and intelligent than the snap thoughts I convey on the computer. The main drawback, though, is that it takes way more time. I write slower than I type and then if I want to put what I wrote on paper on the computer it takes even more time to transcribe the text.

Nevertheless, I like writing with pen & paper. :)


Saturday, May 9, 2009

AVL Gal-Tweetup @ the SkyBar

Looks like I missed out on a good thing...

Posted via web from Amber's posterous

Friday, May 1, 2009

searching for a mother's day gift...

...would my mom actually wear this or is it just something i'd LOVE to wear?

Posted via web from Amber's posterous

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